Thursday, 16 May 2019

The art of oratory

Last night I listened attentively to a presentation by Dan Hannan MEP on the subject of ‘How to talk so people will listen’. He certainly practised what he lectured. Without a doubt he is one of the brightest politicians around and who is clearly well versed in other areas too. His advice on the subject of his talk was clear and concise:

  • Avoid familiar phrases - use your own usual words
  • Maintain eye contact - avoid word for word speeches 
  • Know what words you will use to begin & end 
  • Deploy silence not umm's and err's
  • Ask questions (almost any question) to wake your audience up!

His argument was that most of us at one time or another, will need to address an audience. Therefore, speech making & debating skills should be widely taught in schools. I agree wholeheartedly.

After he had finished speaking, there were a few questions about his presentation but unsurprisingly there were several questions about Brexit. He gave comprehensive answers to all.

And so this was my last official engagement as Mayor (beyond Friday's ceremony to 'make' the new Town Mayor). It's been a blast!

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