Monday 24 July 2017

Let's go fly a kite...

One of the more sublime events of the Buckingham Fringe was the Kite Flying up at Embleton Way on Saturday afternoon. True the wind was a little inconsistent! And true it sometimes fell away altogether, nearly... But a good time was had by all who came along and flew their kites before the heavens opened!

We gave out vouchers to three youngsters who had made special efforts: two for their construction of a kite each and the other young chap for managing to keep his kite aloft for longer than any of us thought was meteorologically possible! We gave him another kite as well as a special prize!

You can see the winner in the distance with the pic below, with his kite a long way up.

As Mayor, I try to keep lots of 'kites' up the air. So it was great to try and keep a real one up there as well!!

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