Thursday, 18 January 2018

A rolling, strolling conversation (18/3/18)

UPDATE 0812 - 18/3/18

Despite the snowy weather - we are still planning to go ahead with the walk. Please wrap up warmly and wear sensible boots! Bring provisions to keep your energy and hydration up. Depending on how it goes, we may shorten the walk at a couple of strategic points. (So if you were planning to join at the later stages - if we don't emerge - it means we have stopped sooner!)

See you soon! 

the walk will be setting off with fruit, drinks and cereal bars kindly provided by Waitrose - thank you! And a couple of Uni students will be running a cake sale and offering biscuit decorating where we finish (the Marquee, Beloff Lawn) - to raise money for Mind (mental health charity). Fantastic! And I have just heard this morning that the Open University (after being contacted by The High Sheriff) will be sponsoring sandwiches and drinks at our final destination. So that is amazing too!!


It is becoming very clear that more and more young people are under great stress and there is a rising tide of mental health problems for this community (12 statistics to get you thinking about mental health in young people).

After a meeting, an email or two, the High Sheriff of Buckinghamshire, Peter Kara Esq., the Vice Chancellor of the University of Buckingham, Sir Anthony Seldon and I decided on a small plan: to organise a journey around Buckingham one Sunday lunchtime and have a conversation about:
What more can we do to ensure that all young people have good mental health and well being?
And anyone who cares about this matter, knows something about what might be done or who has the power and can make things better, is invited. We figure that is probably just about everybody!

So if you are parent or carer, a teacher, a mental health practitioner, a provider of services, a commissioner, a politician, a community nurse, a doctor, a psychologist etc... or of course, a young person!... then you are most welcome to join us.

Please come and take part in the journey. Indeed, if you wish you can start joining in now by posting questions or topics here, that you hope will be discussed as the journey proceeds.

As the poster shows, we will assemble at 11.00 am on Sunday 18 March 2018 at the Community Centre. We will set off at around 11.30 am. and expect to arrive at our destination, the University Campus at around 1.30 pm. You are welcome to join us for all or some of the walk. Nearer the time, I will post the approximate times we will be arriving at points along the way so that you can join us here. The journey is nearly all traversable on wheels or foot (although there are some steeper and muddier bits to be aware of).

Here is the timed (approx) journey so that you can time your joinings and leavings as you wish. (There is also a google maps link below too.)

You can access the planned route on Google maps here.

We will end up in a marquee on the lawn of the University campus near Tanlaw Mill. There will be an opportunity then to much through packed lunches and record what you have learnt from the conversations

Our aim is to get some young cadets, scouts and guides to help with marshalling the moving body of people across various roads along the way safely. Although, we do expect people to look after themselves as they would in any case.

Please save this page, as I will be updating it with further information as the day approaches.

We look forward to welcoming you on the journey!

1 comment:

  1. Excellent idea I would love to come. The Library in Buckingham is a safe place for the vulnerable. Glenys Armstrong


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